Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Back from Vacation...

Unfortunatly, all of my work I have worked on in the past three weeks has been lost in time due to my recent stay at a facility and the fact that my grandmother has yet to pick my things up... Anywhoooo.... I'm back and I'm starting my paintings again, I'm deciding to back off the multi media and just do some oil for now. It's getting a little complicated with all the different mediums and getting the supplies here and there so now it's just Oil Painting

Friday, March 4, 2011

Michellie Belly! Phase 1

They took all the trees and put them in a tree museum, and they charged the people a dolor and a half to see them. Nah na na... Don't it always seems to go, that you don't know what you got 'till it's gone. They've paved paradise and put up a parking lot...
Haven't really gotten to far, the day's not over yet... I'm trying to saturate the image in my head, creating more colorful shades instead of a realistically toned image. The design es in the background are meant to reflect her artistic personality and undefinable intellect. I look forward to seeing the final product and want her to know that I love her and am always there for her, especially in the next couple months. ;)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Individual Works

After finishing a portrait I decided to take a little break and work on one of my 5 needed individual pieces. I am still working in oil because I have found that I really love it, so we'll see if I decide to go anywhere with that. I decided to do a different kind of portrait for me best friend. She's a little over seven months into her pregnancy and I wanted to do something both sentimental and functional. Here's an image I'm working from. I'll post the painting tomorrow...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Janis Joplin Final Portrait

I decided to play with a little Photoshop really quick, thought it was fitting for Janis... Whatchya think?!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Janis Joplin

I began with her portrait, I am using oil and vibrant colors to bring out her personality and the significance of her time era... Here's what I have so far!

I am planning on using different mediums for each woman but I may have to duplicate a couple... Any thoughts?!

Area of Concentration, 12 Women 12 Works

For my area of concentration portion of my AP portfolio I wanted to focus on women of history that I admire or find cultural significant. The twelve women I chose are:
Jane Goodall
Amelia Earhart
Yoko Ono
Helen Keller
Mata Hari
Janis Joplin
Maya Angelou
Mother Teresa
Ginger Rogers
Gypsy Rose Lee
and National Geographic Girl (Sharbat Gula)

I will research these women further and post my findings...